Animal Ethics


Animal Ethics

I’ve been involved in animal issues as a writer, teacher, and activist for almost 30 years. Much of my work is on Animal Ethics and is centrally connected to the new field of Animal Studies.

I have two new edited books coming out in 2018:













Here are some links to my other books.

Other Books

• Entangled Empathy:  A New Ethic for our Relationships with Animals (Lantern Press, 2015).

Here is a review.

Ethics and Animals:  An Introduction (Cambridge  University Press, 2011).

Animal Liberation:  A Graphic Guide (Camden Press, 1987).

Articles and Chapters

•“Facing Death and Practicing Grief” in C.J. Adams and L. Gruen (eds.) Ecofeminism:  Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth (New York:  Bloomsbury Press).

•“Dignity, Captivity, and An Ethics of Sight” in L. Gruen (ed.) The Ethics of Captivity (New York:  Oxford University Press).

•“Empathy and Other Apes” co-authored with Kristin Andrews in Heidi Maimbom (ed.) Empathy and Morality (Oxford University Press, ).

•“Ethical Issues in African Great Ape Field Studies” co-authored with Amy Fultz and Jill Pruetz, Institute for Laboratory Animal Medicine Journal 54 (1): 24-32.

•“Entangled Empathy” in R. Corbey and A. Lanjouw (eds.) The Politics of Species:  Reshaping our relationships with other animals (Cambridge University Press): 223-231.

•“Captive Kin” in J. Huss (ed.) Philosophy and Planet of the Apes (Chicago: Open Court, 2013): 167-176.

•“Navigating Difference (Again): Animal Ethics and Entangled Empathy” in G. Zucker (ed.) Strangers to Nature: Animal Lives and Human Ethics (New York: Lexington Books): 213- 233.
— Reprinted in J. Castricano and L. Brock (eds.) Animal Subjects: An Ethical Reader in
    a Posthuman World (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013).

•“Animal Others” – Editor’s Introduction to special issue on Animal Others Hypatia 27 (3) coedited with Kari Weil.

•“Teaching Difference: Sex, Gender, Species” co-authored with K. Weil, in M. DeMello (ed.) Teaching the Animal (New York: Lantern Books):127-144.

•”The Moral Status of Animals”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy online.

Chimpanzee Project Links

Video about the project

To learn more about the special chimpanzees that are my intellectual inspiration, click here: